Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Group Meeting 2
In the second group meeting, we began thinking about locations and what props we wanted to use. We decided that we wanted to film our sequence somewhere dark, on a street somewhere. This was essential in making sure that we conform with the genre of thriller. In this meeting we started to construct a storyboard and also set up a a shooting schedule for when we began to film.

Analysis of title credits.
The Incredibles title credits start off by showing the main characters. The sequence links the credits to the person responsible for the job. Different credits appear in different colours, different fonts etc., this is significant as it corresponds with the idea that the film is animated. These credits have nothing to do with the thriller genre; it's just research to see we can create interesting credits with animation and creativity.
Saturday, 18 February 2012
Group meeting 1
In the first group meeting we were told the task. We decided to start brainstorming ideas of what we wanted our sequence to be about. Firstly we discussed what we wanted the genre to be and who we wanted the target audience to be. After talking about it we decided that thriller would be a really good genre to create. We decided to do thriller because it has many elements that give us the chance to be creative.
Sunday, 5 February 2012
Friday, 3 February 2012
Se7en opening sequence
The opening credits of se7ven begin with all of the actions/images such as books turning, drawings and razors in a dull shade of colour. This is significant straight away because it's a plot give away of the film. The visuals connote the film as a dark, ominous and chilling thriller. The images used begin to introduce the idea of the genre and are provoking to the audience, for example the newspaper cut outs and the picture of the little boy’s eyes being blanked out. As the sequence goes on, the visuals become increasingly sinister; for example when we see a pair of dirty hands performing disturbing actions. The hands are likely to belong to a central character of the film, so the audience have already been introduced to perhaps a threatening character. The actions in the sequence also appear not to be shown in chronological order, and often 'double vision', they flicker across each other. As well as having this, there are flashing lights at erratic moments, often coinciding with the screen titles changing. This is an indication that the film is jumpy, and is likely to be unpredictable and scary. It also creates enigma for the audience. As the title credits begin to appear, they seem to be in a child-like handwriting, this is chilling because when the audience thinks of a child and their innocence they don’t think about grime actions that are being shown along with the credits. The music follows the action on screen, as it starts off quite slow, then when the hands seem to be creating a plan, the music picks up pace. The soundtrack also seems mismatched and this further connotes the fact that this film will be a thriller of some sort.
Halloween Opening sequence
The opening sequence of 'Halloween' starts off with a blank screen with the sound of children chanting a Halloween song. As this shot continues to be shown, the credits appear. They are in white writing which create a ghostly feel. All of these elements begin to conform to the idea that the film is a thriller.
A subjective point of view shot is used throughout the opening sequence of this film. The camera moves in POV around a house. This creates enigma in the audience because we are curious as to who is behind the shots. There is no sound at all except for crickets in the night time, this is significant because it creates a sense of mystery and leaves the audience feeling on edge. I've realised that the use of enigma is very significant in most opening sequences. I think this is because directors what to keep the audience's attention. This means the audience will be forced to watch and try to figure out what is happening. The use of POV is also so that the audience feel like they are behind the eyes of the 'killer'. It's also significant to show the journey of the character, we feel as though we are there with the characters. We see two teenagers in the house being looked at. The introduction of these characters is significant because we are introduced to the storyline. When the boy leaves, the audience's expectations are conformed. A young girl being preyed on, on Halloween means that there will definitely be a killing.
The camera moves into the house, this is where we see the 'killer' pick up a knife. He then starts walking up the stairs. The diegetic sound of the girl humming upstairs creates a tense atmosphere.
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